Who’s MillionMileMark?

Every chance we get, Clyde (my husband) and I are off to an exotic destination. A weekend in Transylvania? Why not? A cruise around the tip of South America? Let’s go! A death march up a mountain in Ecuador? Um, okay…


In fact, we travel so much, I’ve racked up more than a million Delta SkyMiles — earning me the nickname “Million Mile Mark.” Because family and friends planning their own vacations ask for recommendations all the time, I came up with the idea of sharing my suggestions online. Now, when someone asks, “What should we do in Bangkok?”, I can offer my advice to them (and you!) faster and easier than ever.

Why I Do This

I want to inspire you to get out there and have an adventure of your own. So when we stumble on a great bed and breakfast, an underrated restaurant, or an unforgettable experience, I sing its praises. But when people, places, or services disappoint us, I feel it’s my duty to offer constructive criticism (and, sometimes, warn you to save your time and money and stay away!).


When we travel, we feel more alive. Seeing new sights and meeting new people keeps our hearts and minds open. I want you to have that kind of experience, too. So the next time you’re planning a trip, remember: you’ve got a friend who’s been there.

Why Should You Trust Me?


A lot of travel bloggers — most of them, I believe — accept free trips, discounts, perks, and other compensation in return for their recommendations. Others loudly proclaim themselves to be travel bloggers in hopes that tour companies, hotels, or service provides will give them special treatment.

When Clyde and I travel, we pay for everything out of our own pockets — just like you do. We don’t accept gifts, free trips, special services, discounts, or other perks, because when we’re offering advice, we think you should get real advice — not an advertisement in disguise. Long story short: you can trust what we tell you to be the simple, unvarnished, unsponsored truth.

Why Not Just Use TripAdvisor?


I love TripAdvisor — in fact, I’m a Level 6 contributor there, contributing more than 100 reviews covering more than 100 cities. No one person can offer you as much content as TripAdvisor’s crowd-sourced reviews.

MillionMileMark is different: more personal, more honest, more detailed. Instead of reviews, I give you stories. Instead of raw information, I give you experiences. A ranked review from a crowd-sourced web site is one thing. A tip from a friend who’s been there is something else entirely.

How Does This Site Make You Money?


I have a great day job as a professional storyteller: creating articles, podcasts, presentations, and videos that help an important organization tell its story to clients and employees.

So MillionMileMark doesn’t have to make me money. It’s a labor of love. Thanks for trusting me — and for sharing the news about the site with your family and friends on Twitter and Facebook.

Anything Else?


If you like my travel writing on MillionMileMark, you might consider checking out:

MillionMileMark on Instagram – Whether we’re home or traveling, this is where I post photos of the things that catch my eye.

MadeByMark.com – A person blog I’ve been updating regularly since the year 2000. Today, it’s mostly where I recommend and review gadgets and personal technology.

MadeByMarkDotCom on Instagram – A personal photo stream, featuring day-to-day scenes that catch my eye.

TarotTools.com – I used to design Tarot decks and write books about Tarot reading. (Not the hooky-spooky stuff — more like visual brainstorming.) TarotTools.com isn’t updated often these days, but serves as a resource site for people who enjoy my Tarot books and decks.